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Emanuel Daugherty

The West Virginia School of Preaching began in August, 1994.  The first class started with XX students under the school’s director, Brother Emanuel Daugherty.  Brother Daugherty and his good wife moved to Moundsville, WV , from dfjalsdjf;asdl, a;ldjflasj.  At that time the school building had yet to be built and Brother Daugherty, along with the faculty and students met at the Hillview Terrace church building while the finalized plans were made and contruction begun.  Brother Daugherty continued as the director until ??May?? of 2002.  Although Brother Daugherty was no longer the director, he stayed to help the transition of the new director as well as taught several classes and continues to teach new preachers. We have been blessed to have Brother Daugherty with us still and hope to have many more years.

Denver Cooper

Brother Denver Cooper had been the preacher at Hillview Terrace church of Christ since 1982 and at the school’s inception had taught many classes at the schools; but when the directorship position became available in 2002 Brother Cooper added another good work.  He and his good wife, Sister Florence Cooper, had been key in working with the area congregations to encourage good men to begin a life of service.

Andy Robison