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90-100 A-Excellent 4 Quality points
80-89 B-Above Average 3 Quality points
70-79 C-Average 2 Quality points
60-69 D-Low Passing 1 Quality point
0-59 F-Failure 0 Quality points
  I-Incomplete 0 Quality points

Grading System:

The quality of work done by each student is expressed in the following table:

A student who has an incomplete must make it up within one week of the next term. An “F” or an “I” may be removed by repeating the course, or by fulfilling supplemental work requirements as may be imposed by the instructor and approved by the Director. All students will be counseled when such seems necessary.

Hours Attempted GPA Required
0-23 1.50
24-40 1.70
41-56 1.90
57 and above 2.00

Scholastic Probation:

Graduating students are required to achieve a 2.0 grade-point-average (GPA) based on hours attempted.

Any student failing to achieve the minimum satisfactory GPA is placed on academic probation for one quarter. At the end of the probationary period any student failing to achieve the minimum GPA for hours attempted will be expelled. Any student so expelled will not be allowed to apply for readmission for at least one quarter. A student’s readmission is subject to approval of the administrative body. No student can graduate from West Virginia School of Preaching with an “F” on his record. Any failure must be removed by repeating the course, or by completing supplemental work requirements. Permanent records shall be kept by the school.

Progress Reports:

In addition to papers returned, a grade report card will be given to each student at the end of each quarter. Upon request, progress reports will be given to those who provide support directly to the student.