
Each full-time student must attend classes a total of thirty hours a week on a regular schedule. During the regular school year there will be four such ten-week sessions, or a total of forty weeks each year, eighty weeks in two years. On a “clock-hour” basis, during two years of intensive study each student will have spent a minimum of 2600 hours required for graduation, including class work and chapel.
Requirements for Graduation:
- The student must have demonstrated proper Christian character.
- Each student must complete satisfactorily all the prescribed courses.
- There are no electives in the regular curriculum.
- An over-all average of 2.0 (C) must be maintained.
- Any student having an “F” or “I” on his record must remove such before graduation.
- Any outstanding debts to school or supporters must be paid.
Opportunities for Graduates
The school does not act as a placement bureau. More and more churches are looking for preachers who are schooled in the Scriptures and have received the kind of training provided at the WVSOP. Although inquiries will be received for located work, students must make their own arrangements with churches. It is not uncommon, however, for the director, faculty member, or elders to recommend a student that has performed honorably at the West Virginia School of Preaching.